Bronica sq a
Bronica sq a

bronica sq a

one of the many waterfalls, in south or east Iceland, Minolta and Portra Icelandic horse, FPP Debonair (Plastic Fantastic), Kodak Ektar 100 Black Sand Beach in Vic, Minolta and Portra 160 fence and open land, Bronica, Kodak Portra 160 Posted in nature, photography, travel Tagged Bronica SQ-A, film photography, Iceland, Minolta SRT-102 In one week… I’m still trying to process the trip and I’ll write more about it, and share more pictures, when I have a little more time this weekend. I’m grateful for the peanut butter we ate in Iceland because it was excellent and saved us from what might have been iffy moments of hangriness. I’m grateful to my friend Jane for asking me to go on this trip with her. Taking six days off of work means I’ve come back to a pile of things to sort through, but I’m grateful for a supportive team that made it possible for me to leave. I sent the three rolls of black and white film, one roll of Lomography purple, and a roll of slide film all off to The Darkroom yesterday, so I won’t see those for a bit longer. Someday I really want to do this part of it myself, but I don’t have the time right now and am grateful to the two labs that do it for me. All in all, metering in Iceland is no picnic (snow, black sand, mountain shadows, sun and then suddenly no sun, yada yada) but I think it all worked out okay.Īnyway, I dropped 11 rolls of film off at a local lab and had scans in under two hours. I’d been doing this with pretty damn good success with the Bronica, but I hadn’t used it for 35mm film. So I had zero cameras with a working light meter and had to rely on a light meter app on my phone. Sure enough, the minute I loaded that camera the battery was dead. I winged it (I might look up the accuracy of this term later, but for now I’m using it) and took a chance on my Minolta SRT-102 battery holding up because I realized I should have a backup just a little too late and couldn’t get one in time. I brought some filters and a tiny tripod and didn’t use those at all. I brought four cameras and used all four of them. And then after a while I just shut up because, seriously, Iceland. And “stunning,” “beautiful,” “really?,” “oh, come on!,” “holy shit,” “oh my god,” and other noises and nonwords like grunts, gasps, etc. I mean, that’s not surprising–it happens to me often as I’m better with writing words than speaking them.

bronica sq a

Near Selfoss, Minolta SRT-102 and Kodak Portra 160 Posted in photography, travel Tagged Bronica SQ-A, film photography, Iceland, medium format camera waking up from the dream that was Iceland *I say ramshackle because I really don’t know what the hell I’m doing on Flickr. If you want to see more photos, see my last post or the one before that, or just skip all the wordy bits and look at a ramshackle* Flickr album here. And if he’s intolerant of my need to see the world, he doesn’t show it and for that I am profoundly grateful.

bronica sq a

He’s a bit of a rock and I don’t think I tell him often enough that I appreciate him. If there were any upheavals or complaints that I might have otherwise have been called upon to contend with, he kept me out of them. If anything burned down or broke or flooded while I was away, he took care of it and I’m none the wiser. He kept our old dog alive and (relatively) happy. I should have mentioned in that previous post, where I was all grateful about the peanut butter, that I’m grateful to my husband for keeping the show going while I was trying to not get blown off a cliff 3,000 miles away.

#Bronica sq a iso

These are all from the Bronica two rolls of Fuji Acros (100 ISO), one Ilford FP4+, and the color roll is Fuji Velvia (50 ISO slide film). I ordered prints–matte with white border–so those are on the way as well (I love to have prints, but I almost never order them). I got notice that my last five rolls of film were developed, scanned, and uploaded yesterday, and that my film is on its way back to me from the lab in California. And that’s okay, but I’m also spending a few minutes (at least) each day letting myself feel all dreamy about Iceland and also think about what might come next.

Bronica sq a